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Shnuggle Blog

Shnuggle News

Graduating From The Shnuggle Baby Bath To Toddler Bath
When it comes to bathing a newborn, bath time can be scary and daunting; when your little one becomes a toddler, bath time can become a fun and exciting activity for you both. But how do you graduate from bathing a baby, to bathing a toddler? Using our Shnuggle Baths, this blog will cover everything you need to know when it comes to bath time with a toddler.

Encouraging Independence In Toddlers: Tips for Parents
The toddler years should be some of the most enjoyable for you and your child. Every day, your little one grow by leaps and bounds… walking, talking, laughing, singing, assisting, and gaining new life experiences. Your toddler now has favourite foods and toys, as well as their own likes, dislikes, and opinions. Despite all of this progress, this age group is sometimes referred to as "terrible" because children may exhibit challenging behaviours. Here are some tips for encouraging independence in toddlers…

Toddler Milestone Moments

Milestones are an exciting time for you and your little one, and watching your child learn and develop their skills as they grow from baby to toddler is one of the many highlights of parenthood.

It’s important to remember however, that it isn’t a competition or a race. Our little ones will progress at their own pace, and if they take a little longer to reach a milestone moment than other children their age - that’s perfectly alright.

Baby Milestone Moments

Milestones can be such an exciting time for you and your little one, and watching your baby progress as they grow and develop is one of the best things about being a parent. First smiles, words, and steps are moments many of us remember for the rest of our lives.

It’s important to remember however, that it isn’t a competition or a race. Our little ones will progress at their own pace, and if they take a little longer to reach a milestone moment than other children their age - that’s perfectly alright.

Encouraging Independence in your Toddler

Helping your little one achieve a little life skill is crucial for their development and confidence.  It can be easy to forget to take a step back and start encouraging them to do things for themselves.  We've put together some suggestions and tips to consider when encouraging independence in your toddler.

Easing baby’s transition from crib to cot
Deciding when to move baby into their nursery and into a cot can feel like a big step. Here are a few of our tips to making the transition smoother for you and baby.

Our Top 10 Baby and Toddler Books
Celebrating World Book Day by sharing some much loved baby and children's books.